Presenter: Todd Fuller, Illinois Department of Human Services (he/him/his)
Description: Learn about the Statewide Referral Network (SRN),, how to access the online PAIR (Prescreening, Assessment, Intake, and Referral) Module, and how to add/maintain applications on behalf of eligible customers for units that are available through the SRN and Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance Programs.
Objective: Ensure that staff providing housing stabilization and support services from social service organizations in Illinois understand the eligibility criteria for and how to access state-provided permanent housing resources on behalf of their customers.
Bio: Todd Fuller has served as the Statewide Housing and Employment First Coordinator in the Office of the Secretary at the Illinois Department of Human Services since 2019. In this role, he acts as policy advisor for all housing-related and employment first-related programs and initiatives at IDHS, is the Senior Public Service Administrator responsible for both the Statewide Referral Network as well as the Employment and Economic Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Task Force, and participates in a number of other statewide initiatives including: State Housing Task Force, Section 811 Interagency Panel, Illinois Health and Housing Institute Workgroup, State Homelessness Interagency Workgroup, Illinois Reentry Council, Reentry Housing Task Force, and Environment Justice Commission. Working for nearly 20 years in the nonprofit sector in Illinois before joining state government, Mr. Fuller developed his expertise in housing, employment, supportive services, and community planning through his leadership with programs that include emergency shelter, homeless prevention, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, housing counseling, diversion and transition from long term care, domestic violence counseling & legal advocacy, homeownership programs, fair housing enforcement and education, community and affordable housing development, and other poverty-fighting programs. Mr. Fuller earned a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Lewis University and his bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
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